Sunday, January 31, 2010

And discuss they did.

The Campaign to Crush the Cockroach has taken my email list by storm. Here, a few sample responses from a group with stronger opinions on killing cockroaches than Rush Limbaugh on health care reform:
Pat: As a celebrant of the miracle of life, this cockroach has a direct, unbroken cultural heritage tracing all the way back to the dinosaurs and the DinoRiders that may or may not have ridden / put lasers on their heads....please capture and remove, rather than killing. You can usually stun something with a swift hit to its head with a broom, so maybe try that and then it into a garbage bag. Or, at least get a cat so that the life of the cockroach can sustain another of God's creatures (plus I liked the cat emails).

Mel: Now I am split between loving the little bugger, or finding out if it could survive stale beer.

Kate: Pay no attention to the naysayers, Molly. They are like the Borg. The cockroaches have crawled into their ears and infiltrated their brains and are simply using them as mouthpieces to spread their vile message of multi-legged hissiness around the world...The solution is to dispatch them quickly and effortlessly in a convenient cloud of death-bearing chlorofluorocarbons. You don't have to get anywhere near the beasties, and after a short period of frantic leg-waving, skittering, and screeching, the deed is done and you can patter to the loo in complete safety and comfort.

Dad: I notice no mention of the two foot long, 35 pound giant green mutated cockroachis nevadicus, which crawled some years ago out of the caves where the US conducted many radioactive bomb tests. Not much has been written about this critter, appears to have been suppressed by the gvmt. Like Area 51in NM. Molly, be on lookout for those: they may have moved some to SE Asia, as a food source for the Cambodian crocodile.

And again, dear Mom: When we sent you off to Georgetown, to the School of Foreign Service, we thought you would be learning to promote peace and tolerance around the world. We thought you would learn that war was not the answer. We thought you would learn to love your enemy, not nuke him, and to teach others the wisdom of that path. How wrong we were. Confronted with difference, you respond not with respect, but with aggression. Live and let Live Molly. Can't we all just get along?? ( I spell checked) love eternally, Mom

Can I be convinced by these earnest voices to practice kindness and mercy instead of vindictive crush-and-destroy warfare? I'm really not sure. But I suppose I could think about it while I wait to see if my stale beer drowning traps work (no dead bodies yet, but I'll keep checking).
(It even has a ramp, for ease of uphill scuttling!)

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